Until the tax reform of 1986, credit card interest was a tax deduction for everyone. 1986年税改之前,所有人的信用卡付息都能享受课税减免政策。
Can include employee contracts, medical forms, insurance forms, tax deduction forms, etc. 包括雇用合同、医疗表格、保险表格、扣税表格等。
Improve tax deduction policies on charitable donations. Clean up gray income. 完善慈善捐助减免税制度,清理规范隐性收入。
He also increased the permitted tax deduction for raising children, a recurrent measure, and estimated the cost of all these handouts at 34 billion Hong Kong dollars, or$ 4.4 billion. 他还增加了子女免税额,这是一个常见的措施。他预计,所有这些纾缓措施的成本为340亿港币。
An income tax deduction Si allowed for bad debt. 坏账在计算所得税时可作为一个抵减项。
Taking out a FEE-HELP loan does not affect your ability to claim a tax deduction. 使用“费用帮助”贷款并不影响你申请税务抵扣。
An application report for tax deduction or exemption, clearly indicating the reason, basis, scope, period, quantity, amount, and so on; 减免税申请报告,列明减免税理由、依据、范围、期限、数量、金额等。
It is a no-lose situation: The hungry get the food, the donors get a tax deduction ( Los Angeles Times) 这真是个有利的形势:饥饿的人得到了食物,捐赠者们减少了税务(洛杉矶时报)
Many people do not realize that improvements on your home are not necessary in order to take the tax deduction. 很多人不明白,改善你的家是不是必要的,以便采取扣税。
First its important to know that the laws were changed in2004 limiting the donors used car donation tax deduction to the amount the selected charity sells the car for. 首先它必须认识到法律在2004年改变了围二手车赠与税优惠的数额选定的慈善机构销售汽车的捐助者。
Official receipts for donation of HK$ 100 or above will be issued for tax deduction purpose. 港币一百元或以上的捐款可凭正式收据申请扣减税项。
First, I propose a standard tax deduction for health insurance that will be like the standard tax deduction for dependents. 首先,我提议实行有关健康保险的一项类似于向家眷提供的税额扣减的标准税额扣减。
This annual charge to earnings is not allowed as a tax deduction and, thus, has an effect on after-tax income that is roughly double that of most other expenses. 这项减少利润的年度费用不允许被用来抵扣税,所以具有一般费用大约两倍的税后收入影响。
Article10A taxpayer may apply to the administrative tax authority for tax deduction or exemption or may apply to the competent tax authority directly. 第十条纳税人可以向主管税务机关申请减免税,也可以直接向有权审批的税务机关申请。
Secondly, the most valuable asset of the enterprises in the line of software is the talented employees, whose efforts account for the lion's share, but these can not be covered by the Tax Deduction. 第二,软件企业最宝贵的资产是人才,软件产品开发过程中直接人工的投入在产品成本中占很重要的部分,但这部分无法抵扣相应的进项税额。
First, this chapter discusses the problems in the Customs law of China, i.e.low tax deduction and value lever may hinder the development of transnational small off-line transaction; 本章首先分析了我国跨国小额离线交易进口关税制度存在的问题,即免税额度及物品限值偏低;
Acceptable as a deduction ( especially as a tax deduction). 能够接受的扣减(特别是减免税额)。
Tax deduction for expenses of doing business. 为了交易花费上的税金扣除。
The rate at which the value of property is reduced; used to calculate tax deduction. 财产价值减少的比率;用来计算可扣除的税款。
You may be entitled to a tax deduction for your tuition fees, including the tuition fees that the Commonwealth pays on your behalf through FEE-HELP loans, if there is a direct connection between your education and your work activities at the time the expense was incurred. 如果在学费产生时你所上的学与你的工作有直接相关性,你有权把学费放入税务抵扣项中,包括联邦政府通过“费用帮助”贷款以你的名义支付的学费。
If I take out a FEE-HELP loan, am I still able to claim my tuition fees as a tax deduction? 如果我使用费用帮助(EE-HELP)贷款,我还可以把我的学费申请放到税务抵扣项里吗?
A tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a particular type of commercial activity. 一种税的降低认为是鼓励特殊类型的经济行为。
By refinancing twice, I get a lower interest rate and a healthy tax deduction. 融资两次,我得到一个较低的利率和健康的扣税。
One of the best is the equity loan tax deduction. 一个最好的是股本贷款扣税。
A tax deduction for contributions to private medical insurance schemes, a suggestion put to me by many during my own consultations on the budget. 在预算案谘询期间,有不少市民向我建议,为私人医疗保险保费提供扣税优惠。
Additional benefits can be paid to the GST calculation of the income tax deduction. 为附加福利缴纳的GST可以作为计算所得税的收入的扣减项目。
You could also consider a home equity loan, which may offer a tax deduction, or a consolidation loan. 你还可以考虑房屋净值贷款,它可以提供减税,或考虑一个合并贷款。
But do you have to use a home equity loan to improve your home in order to qualify for the tax deduction? 但是,你必须使用一个家股本贷款,以改善你的家,以符合申请扣税?
Will the taxpayer be entitled to any tax deduction? 这位纳税人是否可享有税项减免?